Emmanuel Church

Worship - Info


(Unless otherwise advertised)

8.30 am Holy Communion (every week in the Memorial Chapel)
A Communion service in traditional language, using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. With no hymns (except on Easter Day) or sermon, the service lasts between 30-45mins.

10.30 am Parish Eucharist (first & third Sunday) 

A modern-language Communion service, with hymns and sermon, and following a printed Order of Service, it is usually finished by 11.45 am

     10.30 am All Age & Parade Service (second Sunday)
All-age worship, ideal for young families and anyone less familiar with Anglican worship, often led by members of Church youth organisations. “Specials” during the year include Mothering Sunday (March/April), Sunday Club Anniversary (following a Procession of Witness) (July), Harvest (October), Remembrance (November), Toy and Gift Service (December). With well-known hymns and an ‘interactive’ short sermon, this is the shortest morning service, finishing no later than 11.30am

             10.30 am Morning Worship (fourth Sunday) 
A non-Eucharistic, modern-language “service of the word” with a sermon, hymns, and metrical Psalms and Canticles sung to familiar tunes. Easy to follow from a printed Order of Service, it is usually finished by 11.30 am

                10.30 am Morning Prayer or Holy Communion (fifth Sunday)

After all 10.30 services, refreshments are served in the Church Hall

Everyone is most welcome to come and join us

2 - 4 pm Messy Church in the Hall (first Sunday)

A family time with crafts, Bible story, celebration and food - 

see the Messy Church page for more details. 



1:00 pm Holy Communion (every week)
Similar to Sunday 8.30 am this traditional-language Communion service uses the Book of Common Prayer. It is held in the Memorial Chapel for most of the year, but in the Church Hall or Centre (where it’s warmer!) during winter months. It is followed by refreshments in the Hall, to which everyone is warmly invited

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